Tessler Family Portrait. See notes.

Todd Cohn
3:55 PM (1 hour ago)
Hi Norman, Hope you are doing well. Quick question. Have you ever heard of any of the following people/families from Minneapolis? I assumed they're related through the Komars but not sure how.

1. Yerusky
2. Singer
3. Esther Tessler

PS -
Here's a picture from yesterday with Hike and J.

Norman Baellow via gobrightideas.onmicrosoft.com
4:31 PM (43 minutes ago)

The answer is yes. I remember that one time when i was little that u r grandfather drove my parents and at least myself to Minneapolis to see them. We drove there in a panel truck.

I remember having a caset tape from them that was mostly in Yiddish that I'm sure I gave to u r father or grandfather.

That's about all i can tell u. Not much, but since u r such a good investigator, I'm sure u will find out more.

I keep following u on fb. How is u r new venture into the food business going for you?

Good Shabas


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