I think that Bubba Ritz' Yiddish name, Baila, should be with a yud, not a vov.
on 2015-Jul-16 14:14:02 Moishe Sachs said
Her middle Yiddish name.
on 2015-Jul-16 14:21:17 Moishe Sachs said
He was a grandfather, she a great-grandmother, too. She'd take out her teeth and say, "Now I look like a bubba." Lol.
She'd call me many nights and say schluff gezinter hite, sleep in health. I'd have to answer, "Oomine," which is Amein in Polish sounding Hebrew.
My first name is for Zaida Moishe who passed away a year before I was born.
Bubba used to say a particular blessing somewhat frequently, "a layben uff dine keppaleh." It would translate as A living should be on your head; or, make a living.
She spoke Yiddish with my mom, a"H.
She'd tell me to mach tzee my coat zipper. 's kalt in deroisen, it's cold outside.
I miss her very deeply.