Morris & Eva Cohn Tulchinsky Home. 5416 Michigan Ave, Kansas City, MO 64130. See notes.
The 5416 address would be the house that Morris and Evie Tulchinsky lived in on Michigan avenue. It was in the next block up from the Wolfson's house on Michigan.
Hike says she has 3 stories about the 5416 Michigan house:
1. Morris was asking Evie what she was going to fix him to take for lunch the next day. Whatever she offered he didn't want. What they didn't know that Linda, of blessed memory, was sitting at the top of the steps (supposed to have been asleep) and called down, "Daddy, don't you know that the children in Europe are starving and you should be happy to have whatever mommy fixes." Linda was about 5 to 7 at that time. Linda was such a poor eater that they were always telling her that.
2. The day that they brought Karen (Tulchinsky Smith) home from the hospital after she was born, they put her in the baby bed upstairs, no bumpers on the bed, and we came back downstairs. Shortly thereafter we heard screaming from the new baby. Going back upstairs we discovered Karen had scooched herself over to the vertical bars and wedged her head between two bars. Evie, with her coolness, adjusted Karen's body so her shoulders were parallel with the bars and brought her head back into the bed - then Evie's knees turned to jelly. Evie always seemed to know what to do in an emergency - then melted after the situation was corrected. While this was happening, Linda was playing outside with friends and came running in crying - she had been stung on the head nine times by bees - so, it's off to the hospital with her. Nothing like a little excitement when you bring a new baby home.
3. Bari always had a bunch of friends following her. One of her friends down the block was from a Christian family who's last name was Barr. During the Christmas season, Bari had been to their house and came home telling Evie, "mommy, si-iz fancy by da Barrs." She was referring to their Christmas decorations. Bari must have been about 3 or 4.
Evie and Morris' house was always the gathering place for seders, yom tov, or just casual drop-ins