Home of Louis & Marrieta Cohn. 5102 Euclid, Kansas City, MO. See Notes.

Significant to that photo is that Zayda built the edition himself. It was primarily cement and concrete block construction. It included a basement storage area on the ground level, an extra bedroom and back porch on the house level. Unique to the bedroom, is that it was heated by a hot water system Zayda installed with a perimeter floor registers. When you wanted to warm the room, you turned on the hot water and it circulated in copper pipes around the perimeter of the room. He had a steam trap mounted on the wall made with a metal one gallon Wynn's Friction Proofing can. I can remember how the steam and water would spew out at all hours.

The house was called an "airplane bungalow" because it had an upstairs room (which became my room). You can see it from the rear picture (0331). It had windows all around so it was a pretty nice view.
-Les Cohn


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