Frances E. Willard School. See notes.

Bari and Linda Tulchinsky both went here.

At 50th and Garfield, the Board of Education opened a new school on November 21, 1910 with 37 students. By the end of that school year, the attendance had grown to 95 students with 3 teachers. On February 2, 1911, the Board named the school Frances E. Willard in honor of the greatest temperance worker this country has ever known. On May 28, 1912, the WCTU presented the school with a large picture of Frances Willard.

After attending school in a growing number of frame buildings for 12 years, the School Board built a permanent building that was completed in 1922 with 240 students attending classes. Miss Lenna Goode became the Principal in 1916

The pages of the early record of attendance of the school bear this inscription, “Mud”, as an accepted excuse for tardiness or absence. A pioneer of the district said when her small children returned from school she always cautioned them to remain at the door until she could have them follow the Japanese custom of removing their shoes before they entered.


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