Tifereth Sforad 2. See notes.

Still there.

4240 Prospect Ave
Kansas City, MO 64130
(43rd and Prospect)


Sol Stolov and Fannie Baellow got married here in 1945.


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  • Mitchell Lieber on 2023-Sep-14 14:26:48 Mitchell Lieber said

    My father, Herbert Lieber (husband of Suzanne Choikhit Lieber - see the Choikhit family album), long ago told me of a family connection to KI. We belonged to KI and I went to its Hebrew School for five years until we moved to Chicago in 1963. However, I never was told that my paternal grandfather had been employed by KI's predecessor until I was an adult.

    Dad said that his father, David Lieber, was the cantor and spiritual leader of KI before the arrival of Rabbi Solomon. Dad said that David Lieber eventually quit over Maruice Solomon's hiring and qualifications (Todd, I can tell you more off-line).

    The front page article of the KC Chronicle on June 1,1934 that announces Rabbi Solomon as rabbi of Tifereth Sforad also says that he will be assisted in the Hebrew school by "David Lieber, a capable instructor who is widely known here." Earlier, in 1928, David Lieber was cantor for high holiday services at Sherith Israel D'Lub at 924 Olive Aug 24, 1928 Chronicle, page 6, large ad).

    Zaydeh Lieber didn't leave Tifereth Sforad immediately (it was the great depression). He was still there four months later (October 12, 1934 Chronicle article on page 4). By June 5, 1936, David was advertising Lieber's Hebrew School in the Chronicle (page 2). My Dad told me that zaydeh's Hebrew School merged with Beth Shalom. Afterwards he was director of the Talmud Torah at Voliner Anshe Sforad at 33rd and Wabash (Chronicle, June 11, 1937, page 4). By October 14, 1938, according to the Chronicle (page 4), David Lieber was director of the Ohev Shalom Synagogue Hebrew School and Sunday School in Kansas City, KS.

    There are other articles in which he is listed as choir director, such as at Bath Jacob at 2704 Linwood ( Chronicle, Sept 11,1936, page 5). Dad, who has never been a great singer, always talked about how he ruined his father's choir!

    My father told me that David Lieber was also B'al Kriya (Torah reader) at Beth Shalom on Paseo though I don't know the years. When I was 4-10 years old I sometimes slept over and walked to shul at Beth Shalom on Paseo with him (late 1950s and early 1960s).

    I gather from my review of 1920s and 30s editions of the Chronicle that Orthodox shuls at the time often had a single leader who was cantor and Hebrew school principal.