Plocka letter from Israel, October, 1969 (2 of 2). See notes.

Addressed to:

M. Plocka
Kiryat Sharet Rachow
Ramat Hagolan 25/15

This is the letter showing the Israel address for m Plocka. It was sent by a friend of theirs to my parents.

The letters was postmarked from Brooklyn.

We always wondered who this guy was and how how he got our address from Mona Plocka (Pinchas wife?)
Krasslize 10/69
tayre umbakante fraynd (f)
ikh shrayb in nomen fun ayer farshtorbenen
kuzin/ Plis(h)kin(?) Velser (?) iz geven
farheyrat mit Maryem Leye. Zi gefint zikh yetst
in Yiroel mit ihr zun fun ershten man. Mit
etlekhe teg tsurik bin ikh gevezen zi viziten vayl
zi iz mayne alineyan meglikh ihr hot ihr adres
dokh hot zi mikh gebetn az ikh vel dokh foren
nokh Amerika zol ikh aykh shraybn endele (?)
leter azoy vi zi iz derbliben an almone.
Zayendik in __land es iz ihr zehr shver tsu zayn
eynzam nikht hobendik keyn farbindung mit
keynem mer es zol ihr epes aroys helfen zi hot a
zun iz er avek tsu militer hot zi mikh gebeten az
ikh zol far ihr epes tun
mit akhtung umbakanter fraynd (m)
E. Kaczor

Kraslice (
Dear unknown friend (f),
I am writing on behalf of your late cousin.
Pinchas Meyer who was married to Miriam
Leah. She is now living in Israel, along
with her husband's son. I visited her a few
days ago because she is my XXX? Maybe you
have her address, already? But she asked me,
since I'm going to America, I should write you a
letter (and inform you) that she has
remained as a widow.
Living in a foreign country, it is very difficult for
her to be so lonely, she no longer has connections
to anyone, who could help her a little (out of
isolation). Her son had to go to the military.
Therefore she asked me, to do something for her.
With respect, the unknown friend (m)
E. Kaczor


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