Bernard Berel Steinlauf Passport 8 of 8
Original is on file at YIVO, 15 W 16th St, NY, NY 10011
Submitted my Ellis Schuman on Aug 1, 2001
DOB: 1869
Residence: Okocim, Poland (County of Brzesko)
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Hebrew
Occupation: Worker
Height: Middle
Face: Oval
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Brown
Lips: Normal
Nose: Illegible (hooked?)
Marks: Mole
Travel permission issued by gov or police authority.
Travel permission to Germany for the duration of one year.
Dated: Okocim, July 19, 1892
Dated: Brzesko, April 28, 1901
Dated: Brzesko, Jan 18, 1905
Dated: Brzesko, Oct 11, 1907
Bernard arrived in America at Ellis Island on June 20, 1905 at the age of 35 aboard the Prinzess Alice after departing from Bremen, Germany.