SEE NOTES. Joe Weiss at Kibbutz Shluchot in Israel, 1960
"Jan 17, 1960
Dear Mom,
...Life in Israel is rough!! But the animals have it good. I workd the first few days just gathering food with 7 other men for the cows. One night at 12pm I was told to go unload a truck of tomatoes FOR THE COWS! I worded until 3am and was up at 5am. Needless to say I HATE COWS!
I've been workling with the chickens lately. I am all scratched up but I get my revenge by taking their heads and running them along the bages. I also HATE CHICKENS!
The only reason I stay at the kibbutz is because it is rich. I get toilet paper every week and plenty of food. and I have a nice sun burn,.
For the last 2 days I worked my way into the carpentry shop which is good. A kibbutz is good for a family:
1. Children do not sleep at home.
2. No money problems.
3. Everything is free.
4. There is nothing to fight over.
I am about a mile away from the border and here shooting all the time but don't worry. Half the Israeli army is here. I got and get all your mail.
The things I like most are slushing in the mud knee deep. (See other letters in notes of other pictures from Israel/Kibbutz for more on this).
Keep well.