Shloime Shloima Weiss, abt 1935 before the war in Vienna, Austria. See notes.
“Yisroel/Karl Koppel was very successful as a baker and amassed great wealth. When Shloima started working in the bakery the cash drawers were always empty. The bakery was being driven to the ground. He would give away tons of food to the hungry and he would even give away the raw ingredients like bags of sugar. It got to the point where it had created a sense of tension in their relationship and they weren’t even talking. When Yisroel/Karl Kopel was taken away to Aushwitz he told someone to give a message to Shloima that he was maskim to the way that he ran the business and was proud of him for being such a big bal chessed.” - Feigy Rosenbaum, 3/10/15
On Kristalnacht Shloime was on his way home from doing a mitzva. He was on his way home from bakery where he was taking challah. He was rounded up and taken to Dachau. No one else from the family was taken to Dachau. They were probably all taken to Aushwitz.
While in Dachau a Nazi guard instructed Shloime to hit a fellow Jew or else suffer the same from him. He refused and the Nazi guard made good on his threat and beat Shloime.
Also while in Dachau he was found by his friends one day crying. They asked him, “why are you crying? We’re all friends. We’re all here together. We’re all in this together.” He responded, “Who’s going to take care of my customers? People come to me that don’t have money and rely on me for food. Without me who will take care of them? they’ll starve.”
He spent three months in Dachau before being released. After returning home things had changed. The locals were abusive to Jews. One day a man accosted him in the street for being a Jew. A non Jewish woman who saw the whole thing happened started yelling at the man to stop. That’s how well respected he was, even the non Jews recognized how special of a man he was to the extent that they stood up for him.