Karl Kopelman Weisz Jewish Birth Register

The document is a page of the birth register of the rabbinate. You see that the Jewish communities used German as their official language. By 1885 Hungary introduced new rules, and they were force to use Hungarian as the administrative language.

In 1995 the task to keep BMD books was taken away from the communities and brought to the civil administration.

On this page you see the birth of Karl Kopelman Weisz on line number 37.
Column / entry
Number / 37
Name of the born / Kopelman Sonnenschein, Sonnenschein is striked out, Weiss added.

Above the name: the Hebrew-ceremonial name (probably a mistake, later corrected)

Date of birth month / 9ber = November (the ninth month, starting with March..as once was common..that is why February has less than 30 days.. from Latin sept=seven octo=eight nov=nine)

date of birth day / 2
date of birth .../... (Hebrew)
date of birth .../... (Hebrew)
sex male / m
sex female / -
quality married / m
quality unmarried /

Parents of the born of the father given name and surname / Salomon Weiss (there was not yet an administrative diciplin in spelling names, so ss=sz=ß dependant of the habit of the writer)
Parents of the born of the mother given name and surname / Leni geb. (=born) Sonnenschein
Residence of the parents / Verbo
Name of the midwife / Feingold
With boys Day of circumcision / 9th
With boys Name of the person who did the circumcision / I. Manheim S. Friedman
With girls Day of namegiving / -
Name of the witnesses / H. Sonnenschein ( I suspect Herman Sonnenschein, the father of Leni)


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