Headstone of Feiga Florence Rosenfeld Weisz, March 10, 1939

Line one, quoted from Aishes Chayil (Mishlei/Proverbs):
Kapa parsa le’ani, Veyadeha shilcha le’evyon
She spreads out her palm to the poor and extends her hands to the destitute.

P”T = Poh Temunah, "Here lies"
Aishes Chayil, "Woman of valour"
M’ = Marat, "Mrs"
A”H = Aleiha Hashalom, "May peace be upon her"
Ateres Bala, "Crowned husband"
Yitzchak Yaakov Koppel Weiss
N”Y = Nero Yair, "May his light shine (indicates the person is alive)
ES”K = Erev Shabbos Kodesh, "Friday"
19th of Adar, 5699
Friday, March 10, 1939

Shem Emo, Pessel, A”H Aleiha Hashalom
"Mother's name, Pessel, of blessed memory"

Last line:
ת נ צ ב ה Abbreviation for, "May her soul be bound up in the bond of everlasting life." A Benediction for the dead, based on the passage from the prophet Shmuel I, 25:29.


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