Shaya Balaban's sons, Chaim, Yerachmeil, and Meir in sailer suits (front)

Link to front:

"Leshone toyve tikuseyvu
liber zeydi, mir dayne eniklekh, khayim un
Milye un Mare. kumen dir vintsen a gut
oysgebeytn yor mit gezund. Mir vintshen dir
funen ertsen grind. Fun undz zeyre eniklekh
Khayim, un Milye (Yerachmeil), un Meir
di vintsh karte
iz fer unzer liben zeyden Kalman. Zeydi mir
velten dikh shoyn givolt zeyen mit undzere
oygn. Unzir papa (Shaya Balaban) zekt az me muz nokh biz di
tsayt vet kumen iz. Frogen mir dikh ven vet
shoyn kumen di gute tsayt zikh tsu zeyen!"

"May you be written and sealed for a good year“
Dear grandpa, we, your grandchildren, Chaim,
Milye (Yerachmeil), and Meir, come to wish you a good
requested year with health! Our wish is from
the bottom of our heart. From us, your
grandchildren Chaim, Milye and Meir

This wishing card
is for our dear grandpa Kolman! Grandpa, we'd
like to see you already with our own eyes, but
our dad (Shaya Balaban) says, we must wait until the time will
come. So, we ask you, when will this good time
come, to meet?!"


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