Sura Itka Parkansky and Mr. Sprinz

"Cousin of papa's (Abe Cohn) maybe in St. Louis"
- Eva Cohn Tulchinsky

"The caption on my photo reads, "Miss Prinz - Cousin to Velvel Cohn - Goldie named for her mother." Zaide Velvel named my mother in shul. The woman who she is named after reportedly was killed in a pogrom)."
- David Gurvitz

None of Zayda Velvels cousins names or their mothers names were Goldie or anything similar but he did have an aunt, Sura Itka Perkansky that married a man named Sprinz. Their daughter was Vita Witje.

These are the parents of Witchky Woowoo.

Abraham Perkansky came to the Golden Land in 1911 as a draft dodger along with his 17 year old kid sister, Chike (Fannie Baellow’s mother) and Vita Sprinzik. Vita married very young, an older man in KC but they left for Great Falls Montana. They had two boys who were born here in KC. The oldest one worked his way up in the TV industry to help produce Howdy Doody the first children’s show, Her nickname was Witchky Woowoo and she was a cousin through Wolf Parkansky. ) The funds came out of Eliezer Berl's pocket. They had to have $25 to prove that they weren’t destitute.

They escaped and snuck over the border and got to Bremen which was 1,200 miles away. But to their disappointment the ship had sailed the day before. Ships only left once a month. They “missed the boat.” In the meantime they relied on hachnoses orchim housing and jobs. Avrum worked for a junk yard everyday. On Friday after lunch they closed shop for shabbos. Chike was taken in and did domestic work.


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  • Todd Cohn on 2010-Jul-25 13:45:59 Todd Cohn said

    Eva "cousin of papa's (Abe Cohn) maybe in St. Louis"