Marietta Cohn, Esther Wolfson, Hike, Lena Frost, Louis Cohn, Alan Frost, 1946. See Notes.

This picture for Aunt Esther. Taken August 1946 at the Frost home 1411 Morris Cr. Norfolk, VA. The Frosts were friends who really took good care of Louis and Marrieta while he was stationed in Norfolk.


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  • Todd Cohn on 2010-Jul-25 21:32:09 Todd Cohn said

    This picture for Aunt Esther. Taken Aug 1946 at the front home 1411 Morris Cr
    Norfolk, VA.
    From left: Mary, Aunt Esther, Hike, Lena, Louie, Alan Frash (?) in front (age 3?)
  • Todd Cohn on 2012-Aug-22 13:06:56 Todd Cohn said

    Alan had climbed into bed with Hike after wetting his pajamas. And oh boy was he soaked. She jumped right out of bed. - Hike