Annie Chana Bala Plotsky Ritz steamship ticket wallet. See notes.

Wallet, ticket: F. Missler, Bremen. Bahnhofstrasse 30. German language issue.

Printed linen with leather edging, 7-1/4” wide x 9 high folded to 4-1/2” closed. Two pockets.

Friedrich Missler (1858-1922) was the founder in 1881 of a German travel agency that specialized in passage for emigrants to the United States. From 1885 to 1935, the company used the North German Lloyd Lines which up until World War I had Hoboken as its American home port (and did ocassionally dock here after the war up to the late 1920s.) Missler had many offices outside of Bremen and served Poland and the Slavic countries.

Text outside on front and back:

F. Missler, Bremen (company name and city)
Bahnhofstrasse 30. (street name and number)
[depiction of a four stack ocean liner] (probably the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse of the North German Lloyd Line which went into service in 1897.)

Text inside printed on both panels:

F. Missler, Bremen
Bahnhofstrasse 30. (street name and number)
Passagier-Annahme(receiving office for the passanger)
für die (for the)
Schnelldampfer nach Amerika.( fast steamship to america)
Bank und Geldwechsel. (bank and money exchange)


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