Letter from Shaya Balaban to Max Portnoy, Nov 1971, 3. See Notes.

Nov, 1971
Odessa, Russia

To our dear uncle and aunt,
I want to tell you that your letter we received a few days ago but I could not answer you right away because I wasn’t feeling well for a few days. You write me in your letter that you have problems with your eyes and you were at a doctor and he found you have cataracts and you paid him $10.00 for his tellin you that. So I’m writing you that by us we also have cataracts and my wife, Klara, has also been by the doctor but by us it doesn’t cost money. All the illnesses that people have the doctors cure without money. Even if you need an operation in the hospital and all the cures that are prescribed are given free without money. By you it has to cost big money so here that is very good. If the patient becomes very ill he has the right to ask the doctor to come to his home and he must treat you without being paid.

My wife was bedridden over two months and the doctor came to visit her all the time until he cured her. It didn’t cost me any money. And about your cataracts, I can write you that you live out your years with out an operation because after surgery you could G-d forbid become blind.

Don’t rush into having an operation. When you write me again write about your health how you feel and write about Aunt Esther and her health and about your children.

We, here, find ourselves thank G-d not bad in our health as of today. My wife was quite ill but now that G-d she feels better. Of course not like in the younger years. And as for me the same because I can walk around on my own two feet so I am happy. My hands shake a little but it’s within reason and allows me to be able to to write letters so thank G-d.

From your niece I have not received a reply. It seems she may be living somewhere else or she does not want to answer me on my letters.

From my sister, I have frequent letters but not good letters. She write me that lives all alone in an apartment and has to look and talk to the walls. It’s not good to alone in a house. It is easy to


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