Herb & Suzanne Lieber Wedding - Family

Mitchell Lieber
9:37 PM (1 hour ago)
to me, Craig, Bob, Francine, Mir

Hi Todd,

You asked for my parents' wedding photo. Here's a family photo from their wedding. A detailed who's who follows..

Later this week, I will scan a photo of just the two of them and send that as well.

Herbert & Suzanne Lieber
Wedding date: November 16, 1951
Kansas City, Missouri
Married at Volinier (sp?) Anshe Emet Synagogue per Herbert Lieber

Standing, left to right: Bernie Belzer holding son Irvin Belzer, Ruben Lieber, Balfour "Bill" (Lieber, David Lieber, Herbert Lieber, Suzanne (nee Choikhit) Lieber, Simon Choikhit, Elaine (nee Bass) Choikhit, Jacques Choikhit.
Sitting, left to right: Mirah (nee Lieber) Belzer [after Bernie Belzer's passing and her remarriage, Mirah Rostov], Rose (nee Harad in Latvia/Herod in U.S.) Lieber, Anna (nee Slomovitz) Choikhit.

Relationship to the Bride and Groom and the Corresponding Person in the Photo
Bride & Groom: Suzanne and Herbert Lieber
Parents of the Bride: Simon* and Anna Choikhit
Parents of the groom: David and Rose Lieber [Dad says David called Rose, "Reiza Kreina" FYI, Reiza is Yiddish for Rose]
Paternal uncle of the groom: Ruben Lieber,, who lived on the east coast
Brother of the Bride: Jacques Choikhit with wife Elaine (nee Bass)
Brother of the Groom: Balfour "Bill" Lieber (unmarried)
Sister of the groom: Mirah Belzer (later, Rostov) with first husband Bernie (who passed away in the 1960's), holding son Irvin; she is pregnant with daughter Judy Belzer (now Judy Weitzman)

Not present - Bride's Side
Brother of the bride: Paul Cramer (originally Choikhit), who was in the army; he served in the Korean War
Sister of the bride:: Renee (nee Choikhit) Spindel and husband Simon, who lived in New York
Brides maternal aunt: Marie (nee Slomovitz) [can't recall last name] lived in France; her husband was Guy and they had a business making wigs for the opera (I met them a couple of ftimes)
Bride's maternal uncle, David ("Dovid") Slomovitz , who lived in France; he marri


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