See notes.

"L to R: Aunt Mary Udell, Uncle Bill Taffet (he’s the tall one w/the hat, married to my father’s youngest sister Aunt Sylvia), Uncle Dave Udell, Karen, Linda, Herb (behind Linda). Pic taken on our driveway, house on Mercier."
-Bari Efron

Karen: So Linda would have been 66 today. Do I have the number right, Bari?

From: Howard []
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 9:28 AM
To: Efron, Bari T
Cc: Todd Cohn; Karen Smith
Subject: Re: Can you help me out with these pics?

Bari -

I smiled when I read your response because as I wrote my message I had the same thought, and reached the same conclusion.


On Jun 14, 2013, at 10:17 AM, "Efron, Bari T" <> wrote:

I know. I just love these pictures.

I wonder if our parents considered those times less complex, or if, since they were the adults, life for them was just as complex as it is for us today. Is it a function of age/being a grown up or a function of the times we live in? Probably some of both. Oh dear, I’m getting too philosophical for a Friday morning! J

From: Howard []
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 9:23 AM
To: Efron, Bari T
Cc: Todd Cohn; Karen Smith
Subject: Re: Can you help me out with these pics?

Thank you so much. These old pictures bring back such wonderful memories. They seem to evoke happy and less complex times. I guess it's a function of the fact that I was young and naive when they were taken. Love to all.


On Jun 14, 2013, at 8:44 AM, "Efron, Bari T" <> wrote:

See below. love these pics!


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