Yisroel & Leah Komar holding Maya w Mikhail Kushnirevich & Hinya Anna Komar. See Notes.

Link to back:

Yisroel Komar Family
Odessa, Russia
March 20, 1934

Standing: Fayga Chana "Heena", Yisroel's daughter and her husband
Seated: Yisroel and his wife Leah holding their granddaughter Maya

Not pictured: Second daughter Esther.
Note: Fayga Chana went on to have two more children, Lev and Leon. They got divorced and her Mikhail Michael remarried a woman in Moscow. Nuta helped raise them.

Back reads:
Tsu mayne libe plimenitsi un plimenik
Rokheyl (?)un Belitshki Balomeyn (?)un for
undzer klensti tokhter Khane(not sure) un Moshi
(cropped, un?)
zeyer kind Meyki Koshnirevits
fun undz ver (der?) feter Yisroel un Leah
un mumi

To my dear niece and nephew
Rachel (?) and Belitshki(??) Balomeyn(??) and
for our youngest daughter Chane (?) and
Moshe(?) (...cropped, and?)
their child, Meiki Koshnirevitz (Kushnirewich)
from us, uncle Yisroel and Leah
and aunty


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  • Todd Cohn on 2012-Mar-21 06:54:17 Todd Cohn said

    Tanta Bala's Uncle Israel, wife, and children