Oscar Dubin leading giant family seder, 1958. See notes.
April 18, 2019
Dear Todd,
I am a little late but I will be sending you a picture of the last Seder we had before my father died in 1958. My father, Oscar Dubin was the head Hebrew School teacher at the local Institute of Jewish Education so he had
access to the building and could use a large room for our family. He convinced my mother, Clara Schulman, and his two sisters that were living in California to combine all the families and cook for everyone. No one paid
attention to "catering" in those days. So I think we were about 80 people. Each aunt had a couple of children who were married and even had some grandchildren so all of them were invited. And my father was very clever.
He also invited all the in-laws of the married children so there would be not excuse from anyone that they had to go to their in-laws for Peasach. I was there with my husband Gershon and his parents and a grandmother.
My half sisters were there with their children also. In addition to the cooking preparation my father planned the services and made sure that everyone was given a part in advance so when they were called upon to
participate they could do so without hesitation. What my husband remembers from this "grand affair" was that "the soup was watery". Can you imagine, nearly 60 years later and that still sticks in his mind. For me, it
was a fantastic Seder and we never had another one like it. My father left for his life time dream trip to Israel that June and he never made it back home. I could say this was the Dubin Last Supper.
Todd, I think you're doing a great job.
Love, and Happy Peasach,