Violet Bleier Weisz, Rivka Edith Weisz, unknown, Markus Weisz, Seated L to R: Likely 2nd wife of Mordechai Bleier , Likely son of Mordechai and 2nd wife Bleier, Mordechai Bleier with his grandson Joe Weiss on his lap. Abt 1940.

The following people in this picture were murdered by the Nazis HY"D (Hashem Yikom Damam - May Hashem Avenge their Blood):
1. Miriam Bleier Weisz (first wife of Yitzchak Weisz)
2. Rivka Weisz (daughter of Yitzchak and Miriam Bleier Weisz)
3. Ephraim Weisz (son of Yitzchak and Miriam Bleier Weisz)
4. Mordechai Bleier (father of Violet Bleier)

Edith wore that white bow in several pictures.

July 23, 2023
Esther Copoerman said she knows everyone in the picture. She is sure the woman who is marked as “unknown” is not related.


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