SEE NOTES. Joe Weiss Israel 1959

"Dear Mom.
How are you? I am now in the Negev dessert and it is damn hot! I left the kibbutz and have been hitch hiking through Israel. I slept on the beach. Some guy picked us up and took us about 60 miles in the dessert and I've been here for 5 hours and saw 3 cars . They didn't stop. I haven't eaten since 6am but don't worry. Here comes a jeep. no luck. All I see is sand dunes all around. the nearest town is about 45 miles.

Next week I hope to meet the ship. Destination is Eilat.

Boy am I mad a car stopped and my traveling partner turned it down because it was not far enough. Well that's show business! It is night now and we finally got a hitch to the town. It's small just a gas station and restaurant. Man was I starving and ate the best non kosher meal I ever ate. After sun down my head started bursting with a heat headache. A bus driver took pity on me and offered me a ride. It's now Sunday. I was just swimming in the gulf of Agaba or as they call it in Israel, the Gulf of Eilat. I only have 1 lb on me and the banks are closed. i don't know where I'll be sleeping tonight but it is warm here so don't worry. I'm deciding if I should use my money for lunch or supper. Sunday morning the youth hostel trusted me till today if I buy a 5 lb card.
Take care. I have money now.


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