Yitzchak Tzvi (Hersh) Teperovitz and his wife Esther Hinda Baranowicz flanked by their two sons, Alter Abraham Shabtai on the left and Yaakov on the right in Tiktin, Poland.

Yaakov was the younger one. Alter/Abraham Shabtai came to America by himself to check it out to settle his wife/family. He was planning on going back but was in accident and was hit by a horse and was killed. He died in Chicago. The parents died before the war. Alter and Yaakov's wife are presumed to have been murdered by the Nazis.

Bubby Esther Steinlauf used to tell Rachel Feit how Alter had a dedicated coin pouch that he used to save money to bring his family over.

Did she remarry? She couldn’t go to her own husbands funeral. (don't remember where I heard this or why)

See Alters headstone in Waldheim:

See back of photo:


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