Shaya Balaban's sons, Odessa, Sept 10, 1930 (back)
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Liber feter (Shimon) Dovid (Baellow) un libe mume Khayke (Cohn)
mir ayere umbekante plimeniklikh 1) kumen tsu
aykh oyf pesoekh (peysekh??). Nohr haydir
(eyder) mir kumen vintshen mir aykh a gut yor
mit mazldike yohren (2) fun undz ayere
plimeniklikh Khayem un, Milye (Yerachmiel), and Meir
Leshone toyve tikuseyvu
Dear Uncle (Shimon) David (Baellow) and Dear Aunt Chike (Cohn),
We, your unknown nephews 1) will come to visit
you at Passover. But before we will meet, we
wish you a good year with fortunate years (maybe a typo, the usual wish is "with fortunate hours")
from us, your nephews
Chaim, Milye (Yerachmiel) and Meir
"May you be written and sealed for a good year“
Things didn't get back for the Jews in Odessa until 1941. This letter raises major questions. They were going to visit the David and Chinke for Pessach? They lived in America. Was the family planning on immigrating?? Sad ending.